Zincirli Mosque
09.04.2024 16:29
Zincirli Mosque, located on Anafartalar Street in Ulus, one of the famous districts of Ankara with its structures that have survived from the past, promises a visual feast in terms of its wooden decorations.
Although it is understood that it underwent repairs at different periods when set out from various sources, the exact year of construction is not known. However, it may have been made in the second half of the 17th century.
The historic mosque of modest size presents similar architectural characteristics as the other mosques built in Ankara of this century. The wooden ceiling, mihrab, pulpit and exterior layout are among the elements that strongly support this argument.
Zincirli Mosque, which is one of the most famous historical mosques in the region of the capital Ankara, is especially recognized with its wooden decorations. These decorations made by Nakkaş Mustafa(Miniaturist Mustafa), one of the important masters of the period, hold a distinct place among the visual features of the mosque. In addition, Zincirli Mosque, which has a large courtyard, and several shops are operated by local tradesmen for many years and continue to serve its visitors.

27.10.2022 07:39Ulus’ta Anafartalar Caddesi'ndedir. Taş kaideli, tuğla gövdeli, üzeri kiremit çatılıdır. Kasetleme işçiliği ile yapılmış ahşap tavanı, minberi, mihrabı ve cephe düzeni nedeni ile caminin yapılış tarihinin 17'inci yüzyıl ortaları veya sonu olduğu tahmin edilmektedir.