Ulus Republic Monument
22.02.2024 19:22
There are many monuments in the squares of Ankara that make the victories of recent Turkish history immortal. These monuments are also shown among the symbols of the city.
The monument, located in Ulus Square in Ankara, is one of them. The Ulus Republic Monument, is also known as the ’Victory Monument'. It is created with the contributions of the Turkish people and the leadership of Yenigün newspaper. Especially on behalf of the newspaper, Yunus Nadi has great efforts. At that time a great competition was held for this monument. This competition gains a universal identity. The winner of the competition is Austrian H. Krippel. He is a very talented artist who completed his education at the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts. Krippel began work on sculpture in 1925. United Mining Enterprises, located in his home country, goes down in history as the place where the statue was cast. As a result of the work, it was erected in a magnificent ceremony in 1927. Later, due to the expansion of the square, the location of the statue is changed and taken to its present location.
It is possible to see Atatürk on the main pedestal deployed between the figures. Atatürk is on his horse known as “Sakarya” with his soldier clothes. This impressive animation adds a much more special feel to the sculpture. When the reliefs are examined, some figures about the arrival of the great leader to Ankara and the origins of the Turkish nation are aesthetically reflected. A total of four figures are found on top of the stone plinth, each of which is also made of bronze. Two of these figures represent the suffering mother who was known as ‘Black Fatma’ and carried bullets to the army at that time. The other two figures are made in memory of Mehmetçik(robin). The structure is described in official records as a memorial sculpture.
It is possible to encounter someone who is always taking pictures in front of the Ulus Republic Monument, which has always attracted the attention of local visitors. Ulus Square was known as Hakimiyet-I Milliye during the first period when the statue was made.
