Karyagdi Tomb
23.09.2024 06:39
One of the tombs with many visitors in Ankara is the Karyağdı Tomb. Located in a very central area, the Karyağdı Tomb is visited by many people especially on Fridays. The tomb is located in the opera square opposite the Gençlik Park in the Ulus district. It is understood from the tomb's inscription that it was built in 1577. The octagonal, lead-coated tomb's walls were made of cut stone and brick as building materials. Its windows have iron bars with sockets. Despite the renovations it has undergone in the past, its lead has partially fallen out. There is a chest inside the tomb for offerings. The majority of the visitors are women who made various offerings. A special prayer is written on the outer wall of the tomb. It is believed that Karyağdı Hatun, who is said to be buried in the tomb and whose life is unknown, lived in the 15th century. In addition, the words 'Gül'ü nazikter' written on the tomb's door confirm these rumors. Karyağdı Hatun, who is considered one of the female saints of Anatolia, has been the subject of many legends. According to one of the legends told, the beautiful girl gets pregnant after getting married and gets hungry. The girl who wants snow in August goes out to the garden one evening and starts praying. It suddenly starts snowing and the bride eats the snow until the sun rises. When the morning comes, everyone is surprised to see Ankara covered in snow. The story of the bride starts to spread. However, the girl falls ill from the snow she eats and dies shortly after…
In addition, the opera Karyağdı Hatun, whose libretto was written by Nezihe Araz, brings art together with traditional culture.
Images: socio-essays, salakfilozof, Flickr

26.09.2022 08:43Ulus sanayi caddesi uzerinde genclik parki karsisinda bulunan bolgenin en bilinen yapilarindan tarihi karyagdi sultan turbesi.