Ankara University Faculty Of Agriculture Museum
14.05.2024 01:57
In the aftermath of the Republic, a policy is followed in which science and mind are at the forefront. This is reflected directly in museums and other cultural sites, especially in cities such as Ankara. In this sense, the Ankara University Faculty of Agriculture Museum, which needs to be opened a special parenthesis, is located in Altindag District. The first ideas about the opening of this place are revealed in 2005. A commission established at that time formalizes the decision on the museum. As a matter of fact, the museum meets with the people of the capital two years later, in 2007.
The ground floor of the museum, which has two floors in total, has two indoor halls. In the upper section, 10 separate rooms are waiting for visitors, except for a corridor. In each of these halls it is possible to catch traces of Turkey's agricultural education. From past to present, all kinds of course materials, experimental materials, examples of insects or other tools-which are preferred especially in agricultural education at the university level-are displayed. Everything in the museum is sorted in chronological order.
Various photographs and documents from the enthusiastic and crowded opening ceremony of Ankara University Faculty of Agriculture are shared with visitors. For all these materials, Student Affairs Archives are used. On the other hand, former scholars attending classes here, or former students who are alive, contribute to the museum at various levels. The museum attracts everyone who is particularly interested in the field of Agriculture. The building that houses the museum is essentially the higher Agricultural Institute. This institute was founded on June 10, 1933, but closed after 15 years. Then it continues its path under the roof of Ankara University. Servet Sarıaslan's great efforts are especially found in the conversion of this place into a museum years later. He is also the director of TCDD(Turkish State Railways) Ankara Museum and Art Gallery for a period.

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