25.07.2024 17:34
It is not only the most special place in the whole of Turkey, but also the most spiritual place in the world. After the founder of the Republic of Turkey, Atatürk, the Great Leader, died in 1938, the idea of making a memorial grave worthy of him is immediately on the agenda. The idea of making an imposing work worthy of the greatness of Atatürk, who is arguably the most important name and leader of Modern Turkey, gains weight. A lot of attention is paid to the fact that this is also a place that reflects the spirit of resistance. After these thoughts, a nationwide architectural competition is on the agenda. Before the competition, Atatürk slept in Rasattepe for a while. The competition, held in 1941, is heavily attended. This competition includes a variety of people not only from Turkey but also from many countries of the world. Prof. Emin Onat with Assoc. Orhan Arda's projects win first place.
An enthusiastic groundbreaking ceremony takes place for the mausoleum in 1944. It is known that the construction process continued for exactly nine years. Atatürk's body is kept in the Ethnographic Museum until the construction is completed. On November 10, the 15th anniversary of Atatürk's death, the body is moved to Anıtkabir. Anıtkabir is a very unique place that brings pride and sadness together. It is a place to go in absolute terms both architecturally and in terms of the atmosphere it creates. A total area of 750 thousand square meters dominates in Anitkabir.Ottoman-specific motifs stand out. It is also possible to find examples of Seljuk stonework in places.
The mausoleum is basically divided into two groups as Memorial block and Peace Park. There is also a library which is quite extensive in terms of resources. Anıtkabir, which has been flooded with visitors throughout the year, is home to many world-famous leaders. What is written in the guest book at Anitkabir is the most concrete reflection of the respect and admiration for Atatürk.

01.07.2022 06:55Duygularımı yeniden canlandıran bana vatan sevgisini aşılıyan her gittiğimde tüylerimin diken diken olduğu yer 😔
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18.08.2022 15:06Yunanistan'daki tapinaklara benziyor. Neden böyle bi mimarisi var anlamadım. Türk ve İslam kültürüyle alakalı olmaliydi
19.07.2022 07:59Ulu önder Mustafa Kemal Atatürk'ün huzur verici anıt mezarı. Yaş farketmeksizin her Türk'ün mutlaka ziyaret etmesi gerekli