Alicin Monastery
12.04.2024 16:10
Alicin Monastery, which is one of the most exclusive monasteries not only in the capital Ankara but also in all of Turkey, is more akin to Sümela Monastery in terms of structure. For this reason, the local people call this place as ‘Mini Sumela’. It is located in a canyon of the same name as the place itself in Kızılcahamam district. To visit the religious place where local and foreign tourists are interested, you should come to the town of Çeltici. On the road you may encounter many guiding signs relating to the monastery.
Since there is no inscription of the Monastery of Alicin, no clear date of construction can be mentioned. It is possible to encounter some caves in the vicinity of the monastery, which is notable for its imposing appearance. The caves are believed to have been built by Genie Ali, who lived in this region at the time and was known as bandit. However, written sources indicate that the caves remained from the Roman period and were created for more security purposes. Alicin Monastery is located about 16 meters above the ground. Nowadays it attracts more amateur and professional climbers. The Soğulcuönü Fountain, located near the monastery, is a place visited by visitors to the region. Today, many religious and social permissions regarding the monastery are deleted. Only some traces of crosses can be observed on some walls.
The point that adds value to Alicin Monastery today is that it is intertwined with a wonderful canyon and waterfall. This place is also adjacent to Ağsar Castle. Many sarcophagi are encountered in the researches and excavations in this area. A serious part of the sarcophagi is on the ground and has been preserved. The place attracts the attention of an organization based in Germany, which makes it its principle to investigate monasteries with worldwide recognition. According to the organization, this is a monastery of intersection and contains countless secrets.

18.07.2022 08:35Manastırın bulunduğu vadi coğrafyası harika manastira çıkış zorlu bir yerden sonra kaya tırmanışı için birebir.
26.08.2022 12:34Hiç bilmiyordum. İlginç bir yer