

03.06.2024 11:32

In addition to being the capital of Turkey, Ankara is also a city that attracts attention with its deep-rooted history and rich cultural heritage. Akköprü, one of the important parts of this heritage, is one of the rare works from the Seljuk period. Akköprü, meaning “White Bridge”, was built in the 13th century and still fascinates its visitors today with both its architectural beauty and historical importance. In this article, we will discuss Akköprü's history, architectural features, restoration works and visitor information in detail.


Akköprü is a historical bridge located in the Varlık neighborhood of Ankara's Yenimahalle district. It was built by Ankara Governor Kızıl Bey between 1222 and 1230, during the reign of Sultan Alaeddin Keykubad I. The bridge is one of the rare structures from the Seljuk period and is located at the junction of İncesu Stream, Çubuk Stream and Hatip Stream.

Architectural Features

Akköprü has a structure with 7 eyes in total and its length is approximately 140 meters. The bridge is built of cut stones, and the large arch in the middle is noticeably wider than the others. This architectural feature was specifically designed to increase the carrying capacity of the bridge. In addition, the inscriptions on the bridge display beautiful examples of stonemasonry of the Seljuk period.

Restoration and Conservation Works

Akköprü has undergone various repairs and restorations throughout its history. In recent years, extensive restoration work has been carried out in order to protect the bridge and pass it on to future generations. These works, carried out by Ankara Metropolitan Municipality and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, aim to preserve the structural integrity of the bridge and increase its touristic appeal.

How to Get to Akköprü?

Getting to Akköprü is quite easy. Many EGO buses go directly to Akköprü from Kızılay Square. You can also take the metro from Kızılay Metro Station towards Batıkent and get off at Akköprü stop. There is a 10-minute walk between ANKAmall shopping center and Akköprü.

Things to Consider When Visiting Akköprü

There are a few important points to consider when visiting Akköprü. First of all, it is important not to write on the structure or cause any damage in order not to damage the historical and architectural value of the bridge. You may also have the opportunity to learn more about the history and importance of the bridge by participating in guided tours around the bridge.

What to Do

Akköprü is a great wandering point for history and architecture enthusiasts. The historical atmosphere and architectural details of the bridge offer a visual feast to its visitors. You can also take nature walks and take photos around the bridge. ANKAmall shopping center, located right next to Akköprü, offers many options for shopping and entertainment.

Places to Visit Nearby

There are many important places you can visit near Akköprü:

ANKAmall Shopping Center: One of the largest shopping malls in Turkey, ANKAmall is just a 10-minute walk from Akköprü.

Atatürk Cultural Center: One of Ankara's most popular fair centers, Atatürk Cultural Center is 2 km away from Akköprü and hosts many events.

Ankara Republic Museum: This museum, where important decisions in Turkish history were taken, is located in Ulus and a short distance from Akköprü.

Akköprü is one of the important historical structures not only of Ankara but also of Turkey. The bridge, which bears the architectural features of the Seljuk period, is a must-visit place for both history buffs and architecture lovers. With its easy transportation and various places to visit around, Akköprü is an ideal stop for those who want to explore Ankara.

By visiting this historical bridge, you can both travel to the past and discover the rich history of Ankara.






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