Köyceğiz Lake

Köyceğiz Lake

29.04.2024 17:49

Lake Köyceğiz, located in Muğla, is fed by the waters that descend from the mountains in the form of three tributaries. It empties the remaining water into the Mediterranean via Dalyan Channel. It is very possible that those who do not have a detailed environmental map will be lost in this environment. The reeds of the lake can be used as an important clue at this point.

Köyceğiz Lake is connected to Dalyan Strait and the Mediterranean Sea. The lake covers a total area of 6,300 hectares. At the far end of the Strait, there is another lagoon lake called ‘Sülüngür’. This area is also the spawning zone of mullets. The shore of the lake is at least 50 meters and at most 200 meters. The total length of the coast is approximately 5 kilometers.

Köyceğiz village, where photography enthusiasts are always interested, is also very suitable for non-motorized water sports. In this sense, water sports such as surfing, rowing or sailing are often performed in the area. The lake and its surroundings are visually impressive. Boat trips in the evening are now a tradition here.

The small island in the lake is called ’Prison Island'. It is known that the island was used for military purposes in earlier years, and was later turned into a prison. This is why the island in the lake is named as such. It is possible to observe some remains of the castle from the Genoese here.

Numerous stories about the lake and the island are told. Nile turtles are known to frequently inhabit this area. The fact that Köyceğiz is a very productive place in terms of water is reflected in the agricultural activities in the region. Even in the most scorching times of summer, the region does not suffer from water shortages. The depth of Lake Köyceğiz, a freshwater lake, reaches up to 60 meters. The lake moon is sulphurous at the time due to the influence of the hot springs around it. The fact that there are lots of resources feeding the lake is the most important advantage of this place.


Köyceğiz LakeKöyceğiz LakeKöyceğiz Lake




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