Storks Valley
26.02.2024 11:20
After a rough winter, it becomes a heralding to spring, storks... Located just on the shores of Beyşehir Lake, The Valley of Storks also presents spring every season of the year to the heart of visitors.
This is described as "where peace turns into substance", and the only Konya point where travellers do not return without stopping over... It is also can’t be assesable for animal lovers, Beyşehir Stork Valley. This place, which also welcomes many photographers, is particularly suitable for selfies and nature photos between 16:00 and 17:30.
The geographical location of the valley is seen when it is considered, one of the most important promenade areas of the region. Located in Yesildag Neighborhood, Storks Valley is one of the most beautiful places of nature, in addition to the historical richness of Konya. The valley, which is home to thousands of storks every year in the spring months, is also known for its lush vegetation around it.
This valley, which is among the most beautiful shades of green and blue, is the home of red-beaked storks in the spring. The only thing the explorers have to pay attention to is not to light fires here and not to scare them. Beyşehir Storks Valley, which embraces its visitors with the purity of nature and the innocence of nature creatures, is perhaps the first of the most beautiful areas where travellers can rest their mind.
