Sheikh Saban-ı Veli's Foundation Museum
01.01.2024 17:58
Mevlana Jalaleddin-i Rumi, Haci Bektas-ı Veli, Haci Bayram-ı Veli and Sheikh Saban-ı Veli, considered one of the great mystics of Anatolia, the Foundation Museum in Kastamonu; it is one of the museums frequently visited by tourists.
The museum, where the works he uses in Sheikh Saban-ı Veli and his complex are exhibited, has been open since 2006. The majority of the works owned by the museum are from Kastamonu; others were collected from the provinces where the Regional Directorate of Foundations is responsible. Among the main works on display are manuscripts, personal works of Sheikh Saban-ı Veli, carpets, lamps and calligraphies. The most notable are the Handout Stone, which has been intact since the 1600s until today, the manuscripts Quran and Kastamonu-specific lamps that have remained in 1182.
Sheikh Saban-ı Veli Foundation Museum, which is not charged for the visit; Kastamonu's Hisarardı Neighborhood is located on Sheikh Saban-ı Veli Street.

28.04.2022 07:33gezdim çok güzel eserler var birde bahçesinde asa suyu denilen çok az akan ve zemzemin bir bask a ucu rivayet edilen suyu var