Bey Bath

Bey Bath

31.01.2023 09:52

Bey Bath, which has been serving for centuries, is one of the oldest Turkish culture venues in Kastamonu. Since drip free water is considered dirty in Turkish culture, fountains and taps have been used since the early days. Bathing in the bath has a different philosophy. Not only is the body cleaned, but the soul is purified. Therefore, bathing in the bath is a kind of purification ritual for Turks. Founded in the 1300s in Kastamonu, Sinop and its surroundings, Candaroğlu builds a bath house in the city with this philosophy. Built in 1329 by Mr. Isfendiyar, the bath house has been the center of spiritual purification of the people of the city for seven centuries. Since all the repair and restoration works it has undergone until today have been done with the original, those who come to Bey Bath have the opportunity to be purified in the architecture of the 14th century. The structure with the 'T' planned fills the eye with its dome-shaped stance. The 700-year-old bath, which is one of the places that attracts the most attention of local and foreign tourists who come to Kastamonu, still serves Turkish culture.


Bey BathBey Bath



  • gunessygz
    09.12.2022 07:01

    Kastamonunun tarihi en eski hamamı.


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