Keçivan Castle
21.07.2024 02:49
The history of Keçivan Castle, which is treated as a subject in epics, dates back to 650 BC. The castle, which is one of the oldest historical monuments of Kars, is also known as the first castle of the city. Keçivan Castle was built by the Saka Turks who came from the Caucasus and settled in the Aras tribes between 650 BC and 16 BC. Keçivan Castle, which has rumors that it is one of the plateaus of Alp-Er Tunga mentioned in the Oghuz Epic, is also mentioned in many different Turkish and Iranian epics. The castle, which was called Artageyra during the Arsakli period, was connected to the Romans in 5 AD. Keçivan Castle, one of the oldest castles in Kars, which has been under Byzantine and Roman rule for many years, is one of the most important historical monuments of the city today and is the symbol of the Turks in Kars. Located in the city's Kağızman district, the castle was also known as Kağızman Castle for a long time. Since the construction around the castle, which was used as the Old Starboard Center, was named as Tunçkaya Village after 1960, it has been flooded with more visitors in recent years.
