Yeni Valide Mosque

Yeni Valide Mosque

11.04.2024 20:54

Yeni Valide Mosque, located in Üsküdar that is one of the two main districts of the Anatolian side of Istanbul, stands out in the main square in front of the ferry pier. Yeni Valide Mosque is located very close to Iskele mosque. It was built by Gülnuş Emetullah Valide Sultan, the mother of Ottoman Sultan Ahmet III between 1708-1710. .

You'll enter the mosque through a wide, historic passageway, and it welcomes you with its wide cloister. The mosque is in the classical Ottoman style. Marbles brought from Marmara Island are worth seeing. The innovations in the ornaments are among the amazing details. The structure, supported by massive free-standing pillars, has a central dome. The sections of the muezzin's gathering place and pulpit, whose elegant craftsmanship stands out, can be shown among other elements of the mosque. At the both ends of the narthex there are two minarets.

Because it is located in a complex, the fountain, soup kitchen, water tank, and various buildings in the immediate vicinity attract attention. The baroque decorations in the buildings are of interest. Yeni Valide Mosque, which is an integral part of Üsküdar's skyline, is waiting for its visitors.


Yeni Valide MosqueYeni Valide MosqueYeni Valide MosqueYeni Valide Mosque




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