Kavala Park
18.01.2024 07:49
Located in the Anatolian Side of Istanbul, Kavala Park is in Şile, which is the Black Sea shore of the city. One of the most popular event and recreation venues of the district, the park can be considered as a modern complex.
The playgrounds are designed diligently at the park, and it offers a panoramic sea view. Moreover, you will find a viewing platform, walking routes and landscaping areas, as well as, a nice cafe - restaurant with a high capacity to serve.
Perfect for having a cup of tea or coffee or chatting with friends while enjoying the sea view, Kavala Park is among the most popular places both for the reasonable prices of the restaurant and the site designed for the families with children. Besides, it is possible to see Şile Lighthouse, one of the most popular symbols of the region, while sitting at the restaurant at the park.
Located on Fener Street in Balibey Neighbourhood in Şile District, the park is open every day, and it waits for the local people, tourist and travellers.

12.09.2022 08:46Akşam güneşinin batışını seyretmek bira eşliğinde Ağustos ayında süper.
15.02.2024 17:55Makamdagi