Karaca Ahmet Tomb
23.01.2024 04:17
Karaca Ahmet Tomb is located in Üsküdar district on the Anatolian Side of Istanbul. The place which can be shown among the most visited spiritual points of the neighborhood is situated between two streets.
Karaca Ahmet Tomb consists of a lodge and a fountain. Some sources state that the bulding, whose construction date is not known clearly, was built in the 16th century. The person at rest in the tomb is Karaca Ahmet, who is known to be a dervish with the well-known Islamic philosopher and poet Hacı Bektaş-ı Veli.
The tomb attracts attention with its fountain at the entrance door, its door opening to the cemetery, and three tombs near it. The religious scholars and physician Karaca Ahmet's rectangular planned tomb who came to Istanbul from Anatolia and established a lodge is covered with a dome. The building, which has few windows, is a classic built with the "Baghdadi Technique" - plastering the wood on the pebbled laths.
Allah, the Prophet Muhammad, and the names of the four caliphs are written on the tomb walls. Besides the personal belongings of Karaca Ahmet, such as dhikr rosary, cardigan, and cap, a Quran manuscript is also exhibited in the tomb.
