Haji Mimi Mosque
27.03.2024 15:09
Beyoğlu district of Istanbul is one of the favorite places of local and foreign tourists with its cultural places as well as places of worship that defy the years. Among the successful mosques in Beyoğlu that have moved from the Ottoman period to the present; It is possible to list the Arap Mosque, Dolmabahçe Mosque, Kazancı Mosque, Valide Sultan Mosque, Taksim Mosque. Of course, we can include the Hacı Mimi Mosque among these mosques. Hacı Mimi Mosque, which is among the oldest mosques of Beyoğlu district, is located on Külhan Street. It is known that its founder was El Hac Mehmet Çelebi. According to the information conveyed, the date of construction of the mosque corresponds to the 16th century. Since it does not have an inscription, it is difficult to talk about the exact date of its construction.
Unfortunately, the Hacı Mimi Mosque was seriously destroyed in the last century. Especially since a significant part of the people of the region are non-Muslims, there is little interest in this place for a long time. Although it is a historical place of worship, it is almost abandoned to its fate and devalued. In 1959, as a result of the initiatives of the neighborhood headman, an association was established in this area. Thanks to this association, the historical mosque is rebuilt with a half dome and a single minaret. Of course, although these developments seem positive, the historical identity of the mosque was seriously damaged at that time.
Hacı Mimi Mosque consists of a congregation of 250 people when it is most active. It is possible to encounter this intensity in Friday prayers. Apart from the places of ablution, there is a lodging for the mosque attendant. Hacı Mimi Mosque covers an area of 250 square meters in total. Of course, these numbers refer to the land area. The area of the building itself is 130 square meters. The roof of the mosque, which has a reinforced concrete structure, is concrete. Its minaret has a single balcony. The neighborhood where the mosque is connected is also called by the same name.

11.01.2023 13:47İstanbul'da ve hatta tüm Dünyada örneğine çok az rastlayacağınız yan yana cami, kilise, havra üçlüsünü görebileceğiniz bir yer.