Polente Lighthouse
07.03.2024 22:46
Polente Lighthouse, located in Çanakkale, was built in 1861. The historical lighthouse, which is literally at the western point of Bozcaada, is located at the end of 17 wind roses. The height of the lighthouse is around 32 metres above the ground. This is one of the most beautiful spots where the sun sets and rises. The presence of wind roses gives rise to many energy needed. Therefore, the surplus electrical energy is spread directly under the sea to the surrounding provinces.
To come to the Polente Lighthouse, you must follow the signs that you may often encounter along the way. If you follow the dirt road you will soon find yourself near the Polente Lighthouse. It is also possible to park your vehicle to the point where there are rocky areas and walk the remaining path. For this reason, those who come to the area to visit the lighthouse prefer to dress comfortably. Watching the sunset here can be considered an activity in itself. The area, which has a very peaceful atmosphere, is of great interest especially in the spring and summer months.
As of today, the light of Polente Lighthouse, which is one of the symbol places of not only Bozcaada but also Çanakkale, extends up to 15 nautical miles. This refers to a distance of approximately 25 kilometers. People want to take their camping chairs, wine and cameras with them to enjoy this unique lantern and view with their loved ones. From here, it is even possible to weave the Greek islands without the need for binoculars.
The Polente Lighthouse, which always tops the list of places to visit in Çanakkale, is located in the farthest corner of the island. It is much harder to come to this area, especially in the past. Today, newlyweds often prefer this unique location for photo shoots as well. Its popularity in this sense has recently increased thanks to its reach.
