Green Imaret Soup Kitchen
01.01.2024 15:40
Green Imaret Soup Kitchen, located in Bursa city, has survived from the period of Çelebi Sultan Mehmet and from the 15th century. A significant part of the historical site built by Haji Ivaz is still standing today. The roof section and storage of the space will be completely demolished. A total of two domes are located in the kitchen area. Today, these domes have been preserved in their original form. Smooth stones and bricks are used in the walls of the facade.
It is known that Çelebi Sultan Mehmet personally delivered food to the poor people from the soup kitchen every friday. Green Imaret Soup Kitchen is located in the district called Yeşil(green). To visit the historic site, you can choose buses or other public transport to this neighbourhood (Yesil). Green Imaret Soup Kitchen and the Green Mosque are next to each other. Although there is no inscription, the date of construction of this place is mentioned in written sources as 1420. The structure, which has a rectangular plan, has recently undergone repairs. It begins to function as a soup kitchen again years after this restoration. These works are also carried out with the contributions of Bursa Metropolitan Municipality.
Bursa Metropolitan Municipality takes the rights of the structure which is attached to the foundations administration. Green Imaret Soup Kitchen, which has been idle for a long time and almost abandoned to its fate, regains its true identity after 600 years. Today, the soup kitchen continues to function with the contributions of Somuncu Baba Foundation.

15.11.2022 12:20Hayırların en güzel icra edildiği ecdadımızın emaneti Aş Evi çok güzel faaliyette yardımlarını eksik etmeyin.