Grand Vizier Mosque Of The Three Kurna(Basin of a bath)

Grand Vizier Mosque Of The Three Kurna(Basin of a bath)

11.05.2024 15:53

Those who come to the city of Bursa encounter a level of intensity that would be given to very few cities in Turkey in terms of Ottoman artefacts. Baths, madrasas, shrines or mosques are a result of that active period. The Grand Vizier Mosque can be evaluated in this context.The historical place of worship is said to have been built by a vizier of Sultan II.Bayezid. The interior dimensions of the mosque are measured as 6.10 x 7.30 meters. The last communion will meet you at the entrance of the mosque. This is directly connected to the main site. The depth of the final parish site is 3.40 cmetre. This area is covered with a roof. Three rows of bricks and one row of smooth cut stones are preferred on the walls of the facade.

The Grand Vizier Mosque of the Three Kurna once becomes the property of private individuals. Unfortunately during these periods it functions as a kind of trading house and is almost left derelict. After a while, a major repair is done where drastic changes are carried out. After this extensive renovation, the mosque reopens to the worship of local people. The main worship part of the mosque is square-planned. Its exterior sits on an octagonal shaped pulley. It also has a single dome, which is covered with lead. To exit to the minaret at the north end, one must enter the final parish area. When you approach the minaret, you can witness that the cylindrical brick body and the honeycomb were renewed.

A cemetery is located in the western part of the Three Kurnalar Grand Vizier Mosque. The historical fountain at the head of this cemetery is among the sections visited by visitors. Written sources say that the place of worship was built in 1512. It is written in the same sources that the vizier in question is mentioned as ‘Son of Üzeyir’. For this reason, local people sometimes refer to the mosque as ‘Üzeyir Oglu Mosque’.


Grand Vizier Mosque Of The Three Kurna(Basin of a bath)Grand Vizier Mosque Of The Three Kurna(Basin of a bath)Grand Vizier Mosque Of The Three Kurna(Basin of a bath)Grand Vizier Mosque Of The Three Kurna(Basin of a bath)




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