Şehzade Ahmet Mausoleum

Şehzade Ahmet Mausoleum

05.02.2024 08:08

Şehzade Ahmet is a symbol name not only for Bursa but also for the Ottoman Empire. Born in 1465, Şehzade Ahmet's father is II.Bayezid. He served as governor of Amasya for a very long period. Besides his father, he is also supported by the Grand Vizier-i Azam Hadım Ali Pasha. His reputation is greatly enhanced by his suppression of the Şahkulu rebellion. Some sources say that he was killed by Shah Ismail, while others say that he died in Iran with die a natural death. In fact, some sources state that he was strangled with a bow beam by his brother, Yavuz Selim.

His tomb is currently located in the Muradiye Complex in Bursa city. This great complex is built by II.Murat. A total of 12 shrines are located in the Complex. In the mausoleum largely Palace-oriented names lie. The Tomb of Şehzade Ahmet is created by Yavuz Sultan Selim. The shrine has eight corners in total and has an arched marble entrance in its front section. When you visit the tomb, blue and white tile decorations and hexagonal turquoise stand out. Bülbül Hatun, the mother of this important name, is also known to lie in the same shrine. Kamer Sultan and Şehzade Şehinşah, the children of Bülbül Hatun, also lie.

Many local tourists who are excited about Ottoman history show interest in the shrine. The crates in the tomb are made of marble. The shrine is illuminated by 14 windows in total. The seven windows at the bottom are flanked by marble jambs and also have pointed arches. Around the marble cornice, there are three figures. The seal of Süleyman is preferred in a significant number of these figures. Today, Şehzade Ahmet Mausoleum in the garden section of the Muradiye Mosque officially belongs to the General Directorate of Foundations.


Şehzade Ahmet MausoleumŞehzade Ahmet MausoleumŞehzade Ahmet MausoleumŞehzade Ahmet Mausoleum



  • caliskanahmt
    07.03.2023 13:38

    Muradiye Külliyesi içinde...


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