Iznik Green Mosque

Iznik Green Mosque

25.07.2024 20:04

Iznik Green Mosque is located in Iznik District of Bursa. The historic mosque, located near Lefke Gate, was uncovered by the architect Haji Musa. He built the mosque in the name of Hayrettin Pasha of Çandarlı. The construction date of the mosque is recorded as 1391. The reason the construction process lasted approximately 13 years is that the architect lost his life while the mosque was in progress. Ali Pasha, who became his son after Haji Musa died, completes the remaining part of the mosque. Iznik Green Mosque is considered as part of the early Ottoman architecture. The mosque is single domed and stands in a special place between the central mosques.

Iznik Green Mosque is square-planned as a structure. Just in front of the last parish site, there are two marble columns. These columns are connected to the walls by means of round arches. They are connected to each other by means of cut stone arches. The double column system is reminiscent of Byzantine architecture. This is also true for jambs, of course. The upper sections of the portico structures are cross vaulted. Domes resting on top of octagonal shaped pulleys cover the space. The top of the side sections is also closed by means of mirror vaults. Iznik Green Mosque has an Arabic inscription on top. In this inscription, there is information that the person who built the mosque was Haji Musa. Visitors to the mosque can directly testify to this original inscription. To be included in the place of worship, the pitch is passed through. The pitch is rectangular and a three-step staircase leads to it. Various columns and arches divide this space within itself.

A dome is located in the middle section of the space. This dome has eight slices in total. Extremely interesting oyster figures stand above the niche of the mihrab. Also in the middle section, there is a medallion made up of stars. The upper side of the mihrab is divided into two parts thanks to a flat panel.


Iznik Green Mosque Iznik Green Mosque Iznik Green Mosque Iznik Green Mosque




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