Alanya Castle
09.06.2024 15:17
This place, which was called the Beautiful Mountain (Kalonoros) in the ancient Byzantine period and was the locating point of the sailors... It is the history of the city, which is the pearl of the Mediterranean. Here you go; Alanya Castle. BC IV. Discovered in the 16th century, Antalya is referred to as Korakesion by the geographer of the period, Scylax. Antalya, which Scylax refers to as "the city that is first seen when going west from Cilicia, has a very steep rock and is difficult to capture", remained under the rule of pirates for a long time afterwards. BC II. In the 16th century, the outer walls, which have survived until today, were built by the ruler of the period, Diototos Tryphon. The city, which remained under the patronage of pirates for nearly two centuries, passed under Byzantine rule as a result of the victory of the Roman Pompeius. Right after, today's Alanya Castle was built inside the walls remaining from Diototos Tryphon. When the structure is finished, this place is called Beautiful Mountain (Kalonoros) and becomes a busy port point where sailors set their direction. The structure, which has a church, monastery ruins and the ruins of the city wall with an oval tower, was handed over to the Anatolian Seljuk Ruler Alaeddin Keykubat in 1221. The Seljuk ruler, who took over the castle, puts Güzel Dağ into a period of great reconstruction… During this time period called the 'Bright Period', hundreds of years old city walls were strengthened and new ones were added. Antalya experienced its most magnificent period when the large cisterns, shipyard, armory, Andızlı Mosque, Akşebe Masjid, Lower Castle, Seljuk bath and Red Tower were built. Alanya Castle greets the sun and the moon every day in its thousands of years of history. The building, which takes its explorers on a journey through time, offers hospitality in the Mediterranean warmth to its visitors.

24.08.2022 07:12En keyifli kısmı telaferik le çıkmak biraz ücreti fazla gelebilir. Ama manzaraya değer çok keyifli gezmesi merdivenler nefesinizi kessede zirve mükemmel.
19.08.2022 07:46Özellikle doğal güzellikleryle turizm merkezlerinden olan antalya da kaleiçi bölgesinde yoğunluk çok fazla antalya kurulurken burçları kapıları ve sur duvarlarıyla denizden karadan gelebilcek saldırılara karşı korunaklı.