Gendarmerie Museum
18.08.2024 00:59
The first ideas about the establishment of the Gendarmerie Museum in Ahlatlibel district in the capital were matured in 1995. A year from that, concrete preparations for the museum begin. After extensive field research and editing process, all collections to be exhibited will be completed in 2005.
Gendarmerie Museum; after a long break, opened on 21 November 2005. The main purpose of the opening of this museum is to present sections of the Gendarmerie's services throughout history and to pass them on to future generations. On the other hand, many photographs, documents and materials about the organization are requested to be presented to visitors in this area.
When you come to the Gendarmerie Museum, the Ottoman State Exhibition Hall meets you immediately on the first floor. On one upper floor,there is an exhibition hall reflecting the Republican period. Those interested in the historical development of the gendarmerie can visit this floor. You can witness how much change has been made, especially in the weapons, materials, clothes and uniforms used in historical development. All of these works are exhibited chronologically in this section. The Gendarmerie Museum, which is one of the most visitor-attracting museums in Ankara, became the ‘1st ' in 2007. The class gains the ’Military Museum' qualification. The Gendarmerie Museum, which has a great Military Heritage, receives great support from the organization in terms of archives.
You can take buses to Ahlatlıbel to go to Ankara Gendarmerie Museum. The museum is open to visitors every day during the week. The Military Museum located on Ahlatlibel quarter can be visited between 09:30 and 16:30. The transportation of the Gendarmerie Museum is not easy because it is located in a military zone. The Gendarmerie Museum, a relatively small museum, is known as the first museum in Turkey to open with this theme. In this way, although it is small as a building, it is extremely dense in terms of materials to be exhibited.

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