Muğla is the Examination of Deli Mehmet with a Chimney!
'baca' (chimney) is not only two syllables, four-letter word for Turkey territories; but also it is home, trust, warmth and family, shortly it is everything of a house. However, the chimney smokes when the family can come together; the chimney goes out when something bad happened to that family.
Muğla chimneys assign a meaning to houses with such high spirituality, because chimney means togetherness and respect here!
Various communities have been living together from the beginning of the time in Muğla, which has been hosting many different civilizations for hundreds of years. There are Turks, Greeks, British and Italians among them. This diversity that has been shaping civil architecture since Ottoman period smokes in the chimneys of Muğla. This architectural feature, which was passed from Greek masters to Turkish masters, maintains its existence although it has passed into other hands since the Ottoman Empire.
Rainfall is really hard in Muğla. The chimneys have been designed in accordance with the climatic conditions in Muğla, since the rain falls from all sides when the northeaster colloquially called "Deli Memet" blows. Muğla chimneys, which are shaped in a rectangular shape with top-covered and become traditional by forming wholeness with stonemasonry of 28 pantiles, also give meaning to the silhouette of the city. While these chimneys challenge Deli Memet on the one hand, they show respect to Greek masters with all their warmth and sincerity on the other hand.