Must Sees in Mardin
It is not only the cultural accumulation that constitutes Mardin, my friends! This city forms a whole with its historical value and architectural structures! Believe it or not, there is no other city that will take you on a mystical journey at first glance, and never wake you up from this world of dreams until you leave the city! I can imagine you asking, "What makes this city so special?" "Which places should I definitely see and explore?". No worries, we have got all the answers you are looking for!
Shines like a bright necklace at night and offers a breathtaking scenery at day time…
This place is the fertile and ancient lands of Northern Mesopotamia…It has hosted three heavenly religions and all beautiful cultures for thousands of years…I suppose nothing could have described Mardin better than the saying, ‘‘Shines like a bright necklace at night and offers a breathtaking scenery at day time’’
Remember, you should not consider yourself that you have seen Mardin without drinking a cup of coffee, which is said to be remembered even after 40 years, at the Büyük Mardin Hotel, where you can watch the magnificent lighting of the city that gives it a mystical appearance after sunset!
Not Ruins, Historical Tremendousness!
Are you ready? Mesopotamia will be laid under your feet with its entire history now!
Although the ancient city of Dara known as a ruin, which will take you on a time journey among the thousands of years old buildings of Northern Mesopotamia, believe us, this place is tremendous!
From Sun Temple to Monastery ...
First of all let’s agree on this; you should not leave Mardin without seeing this place. Deyrulzafaran Monastery has a history dating back to the 5th century BC, which is something. Do not miss it otherwise you will regret it. It was used as a sun temple first and then a monastery. The temple, which takes from zafaran, the Syriac pronunciation of the saffron grown around it, is one of the most visited places in the city! The temple, named after zafaran, which is the Assyrian pronunciation of the saffron that grows around it, is one of the most visited places in the city!
More like an Eagle's Nest Than a Castle
No joke, the city's castle is indeed referred to as the eagle's nest. Mardin Castle, which astonish those visiting it through its magnificent beauty, is also the most important symbol of the city. You will really be missing a lot by not witnessing the history dating back to 330 BC… In short, I wanted you to know that if you do not see this place, you will be sorry.
First Heartbeat!
The Midyat Caves, where Mardin's first heartbeats were experienced, will make you feel like the one who feels like crying due to confusion of happiness and thousands of beautiful emotions after the first heartbeat of the baby is felt in the mother’s womb. I know this sounds like an exaggeration, but I am positive that you will also agree with me when you visit the place! The first settlements of Mardin, which takes its name from Matiate, which means the city of caves, will take you to a magical world.