We Are On The Road To Gonya!
Konya is a journey towards peace… It is a journey towards spirituality, friendliness, tolerance of the person who says "Come again whoever you are." But don't forget, this city has beauties that will fill not only your soul but also your stomach! Then it will say veni, vidi, vici for you before you say. Because, it will have come to you indeed, it will have seen you and it will have fallen in love with you after beating you. There are hundreds of reasons to go to Konya indeed, but I have listed 10 of them for you, honey Come and take a look.
ETLİ EKMEK (Flat Bread Baked With Ground Meat, Peppers, Onions, And Tomatoes)
Believe me, I kept saying “Is this etli ekmek really as good as people said?” for a long time. Then I went, saw and ate! Believe me, the scent filled my lungs when I was still on the road to Konya. Oh, such taste…
But do not be mistaken like me. They do not cut a hole from the center of the village bread and put deep fried meat into the hole in this etli ekmek. It is brought to the table after the ground meat prepared from sheep grown under natural conditions is spread over the flat bread thinner than pide (pita) and thicker than lahmacun, and goes on a trip to the stone furnaces. So, don’t say "Excuse me! This is not my order!", I did it. I was disgraced. This honorable thing we call etli ekmek is such a thing.
Konya Tropical Butterfly Garden
Close to five to develop gout, but you are full up, aren’t you! It is already not possible to expect nothing less in this country. Now it's time to visit 5,000 butterflies covering an area of 1600 square meters. They are so delicate…that you cannot have the heart to look at them. Don’t be mistaken, but each of them looks dignified
İplikçi Mosque
We told spirituality, a peaceful journey, so visiting here is a must. You will not believe when you experience the inner peace created by this beauty passed to us from the Anatolian Seljuk Sultanate! It just feels like the acoustics is carrying you from lands to lands and you wander with your soul… İplikçi Mosque, which is one of the sole places where I clear my head when I go to Konya, will illuminate your soul.
A little travel in time… The structure, atmosphere and natural beauty of Sille, which even has the ruins of the Phrygian civilization in the 8th century BC, will take you on a time travel, buddy! You can go to this city just to see Sille!
Karatay Museum
How embroidered like lacemaking! Above all, its decoration of minaret and entrance that will have it said “Who did it is blind.”… Oh dear! What magnificence! Look, this is definitely a place that can be experienced in place. Words fall short and dry up to describe…
Alaaddin Hill
I present to you Alaaddin Keykubat, a Konya lover! It is a must to salute and go to the highest hill of Konya where the graves of Seljuk Sultan Keykubat, who was bound to its lands to build a place in Antalya resembling here and to call it Konyaaltı because of his love for Konya, Kılıç Arslan and many other honorable people. Seeing Alaaddin Hill, which is one of the doors opening to history, trust and love, will contribute a lot to you, just as it did to me.
Hürrem Sultan Hamam Museum
Oh sir, this woman kept saying "Sülüman, Sülüman.” in TV series, don't say when did she have a hamam (Turkish bath)! Hürrem Sultan is one of the people who had the most hospitals and soup kitchens of the Ottoman Empire. This hamam built by Sinan the Architect, who reflects the splendor of simplicity in his works and wows those who see his structures that deeply affects, is now at the disposal of you as a museum. When you go to this hamam-museum, where bath equipment used hundreds of years ago are exhibited and of which acoustic is mystical, you will understand that this is actually a philosophy and its meaning is purifying the soul. You can't find more clear reason either!
Tomb Of Nasreddin Hoca
Which one should I tell you, leavening the lake (with the yogurt he brought with him) saying “What if it happens” or riding a donkey backwards? Even the tomb of Nasreddin Hodja, who composes the funniest stories of Turkish literature and narrative art, puts a smile on the face. I'm not exaggerating, that is really so! There is no pessimistic atmosphere here, in fact crushed stone road surrounded with green trees when you are on the way to the tomb makes you feel like you are riding through the forest on a donkey. The tomb like a green cone that has survived since 1284 is another splendor. What can I say, let’s laugh, make laugh, consider visiting Nasreddin Hodja to come to this city.
Mevlana Museum
This is both a tomb and a museum… The naive love of this place, which has become throughout the world as the dervish lodge of Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi, warms you so much that you don't want to leave. Today, even Brad Pitt has a tattoo made up of Rumi's words on his arm, isn’t it a single reason to come to Konya and visit this symbol of tolerance, whose reputation has spread to all over the world, what else do you expect?
Tomb Of Shams-I Tabrīzī
I promise you to come into the presence of one of the beautiful people, who carried the love bond of friendship to Mevla's love, to enhance the heart, to increase tolerance and to reach a spiritual peace! Is there any reason other than seeing the Shams-i Tabrizi Tomb, which I know that you will visit with a stick in your throat!
Bonus: Bamya Soup
I was necessary to write this. Let those who do not like okra gather! I'm in the first place, let me say that first, and then come close to me. The best thing since sliced bread! If this soup made of a kind of flower okra made me love okra, think about that, what it wouldn't do to you. Everything is beautiful in its place of course, you must drink this soup in Konya. Pack the suitcases, empty the stomach, go to Gonya Road