Famous People From İzmir
Below you can see a list of some of the famous people from İzmir, this city that is home of courageous zeybeks and women, not only famous for their courage and beauty, but also with their love for their home land. Here they are.
Azra Sarizeybek Kohen
Besides her books Fi, Çi, Pi, Aden and Gör Beni (See Me), Ms. Azra has given a new colour to our life with her knowledge, grace and a strong writing style, making us to say ‘’we hope she accompanies us forever’’.
Tanju Okan
A great artist from İzmir who touched our hearts with his songs and took us to a voyage in time full of blues moments, especially with the one ‘’My Woman’’ which he sang in a warm tone from the depths of his heart ever possible for a woman. May he rest in peace.
Attila İlhan
I don’t know whether he wrote his poem ‘’Ben Sana Mecburum’’ (Bound to You in Soul and Spirit) after a platonic love for a third person, or whether it describes a merciless love, but I know one thing for clear: the words pouring out of this pen are as if from another world … Yes, Ladies and Gentlemen, Attila İlhan is also a citizen of İzmir…
Ayhan Işik
Here is the jeune premier of Turkey!!! Okay, okay; but all jokes aside, his glances are unforgettable… those glances that stole the hearts of women, the number of which are unknown… He is Ayhan Işık, able to melt the abilities and titles of an actor, director, painter, producer and scriptwriter in the same pot, the King without a Crown was also born in İzmir. May he rest in peace …
Gönül Yazar
A master interpreter of Turkish Classical Music, words would not suffice to describe Gönül Yazar with all her beauty and grace… The best thing to do is to listen to one of her songs and enjoy the view of İzmir accompanied by these emotional eyes…
Çağan Irmak
Çağan Irmak took the stage in a time when we said ‘’The period of good films is over in Turkey’’ and provided us the fresh spirit we needed so much, with all his wit, wonderful cinematography, humble character and smile. He is also a gentleman from İzmir.
Meltem Cumbul
A woman of beauty and wit, with a humble character, gift for art and good heart… All combined in one single person… I don’t know the reason why there are so many wonderful people in İzmir, but I know one thing for certain; Meltem Cumbul is certainly one of them.
Nehir Erdoğan
She played the leading role in a TV series that made Greeks and Turks come closer. With an eloquent way of speaking, sensible views and a limitless artistic talent, she is one of those who had her share from the rich talent source of İzmir.
Tarik Ünlüoğlu
Tarık Ünlüoğlu who died in recent time was one of the most important actors active in the cinema and TV screens as well as theatre stages. He was one of the big-hearted souls of the Aegean region… May he sleep in heavenly light.
Melisa Şenolsun
She is one of the actresses in the popular mystic TV series that was broadcast in recent time on a digital platform simultaneously all across the world. Melisa Şensolsun whose fan group is being substantially increasing is also one of the beauties of İzmir. We wish her continued success in the future.
Nedret Güvenç
Mrs. Güvenç, the unforgettable personality of the Turkish theatre, is an exceptional person who has devoted her life to the theatre without compromising on her graceful and wise stance.
Tan Sağtürk
Tan Sağtürk, our famous male ballet dancer, is the person who has broken down the prejudice in Turkey ‘’A man cannot become a ballet dancer’’ that was unfortunately present in society in the past. He was praised and applauded by everybody, saying ‘’You did it really well’’ for tearing down a taboo. Well, this personality who has added value to art is from İzmir as well.
Cemil İpekçi
Cemil İpekçi, the man of colours who has laced the notion of fashion in our hearts, is certainly from İzmir too.
Yilmaz Özdil
Yılmaz Özdil, journalist and writer with an ever-increasing number of fans, is known as a doyen of Turkish journalism who has always voiced the truths, only the truths. A personality of İzmir characterised with love for his homeland, courage and research spirit, Yılmaz Özdil is currently writing in the newspaper with the highest daily circulation in Turkey.
Sezen Aksu
With her songs sung by her velvet voice, she has shared the sorrows of lovers of three generations in Turkey and will certainly continue to do so for further generations in the future. So, she also comes from İzmir.
Vahide Perçin
Characterised with grace, talent, a smiling face and a warm heart well combined in one person, Vahide Perçin is an artist words always fail to describe.
Burcu Güneş
A singer with a great talent and a strong voice that goes beyond hills and mountains, touching the hearts of souls, Burcu Güneş is also a talented artist born in İzmir and marked with the beauty of this marvellous city.
Fatih Portakal
A beloved anchor-man of first quality informing people every morning about what’s going on at home and abroad, Fatih Portakal, a journalist with a researching spirit and a courageous heart, also comes from İzmir.