Erzurum with Numbers
Erzurum is the 29th most populated city in Turkey and according to the most recent census, the population is 767 thousand 848. It increased by 0,97 percent compared to the previous year, there are 383 thousand 435 men constituting 49,94 percent and 384 thousand 413 women constituting 50,96 percent of the population. The distribution of population is almost equal and Erzurum was declared the city with the youngest population in Turkey in 2017. On the other hand, considering the population density and surface area, it means 30 people per square kilometer.
Erzurum, the 4th biggest city of Turkey with its surface area of 25 thousand 66 square kilometers, is located on the geographic coordinates of 39.90861°N latitude and 41.27694°E longitude.
Erzurum has 20 districts, Yakutiye, Palandöken, Aziziye, Horasan, Oltu, Pasinler, Karayazı, Hınıs, Tekman, Karaçoban, Aşkale, Tortum, Şenkaya, Çat, Köprüköy, İspir, Narman, Uzundere, Olur and Pazaryolu. The most well-known ones are Palandöken that plays a big role in tourism with the ski resort and Yakutiye, the most crowded one.
Erzurum is one of the coldest and highest cities in Turkey, thus, it has a continental climate. The winter is cold and harsh, the summer is dry and very hot, it is covered in snow for 70 days of the year uninterruptedly. The highest temperatures in summer are recorded in June and July. The rivers of the city fed from the melting snow on summits. While the average temperature in winter is -30°C, it reaches +35°C in summer due to its continental climate.
The vegetation is steppe which is shaped by the climate. In prior studies, it was recorded that 9 percent of the city is comprised of forests and heath lands, and scotch pines and oaks can also be seen.
The income is mainly agriculture and livestock, the plate number is 25 and the area code is 442.