Ottoman Baths of Erzurum
Erzurum’s healing water is legendary. Its hamams and thermal springs are hard to find. We have penned about the most famous historical hamams in the city for you. A mud bath at a thermal spring is free for those who read the entire article ;)
The historical hamams in Erzurum date back to centuries ago. These world famous hamams promise their guests a true sultanate.
Erzurum (Fuadiye) Hamam
The Fuadiye Hamam with its classic Ottoman hamam architecture is known to be built in the 17th or the 18th century. This structure covered with a round arc on the top also has a pool with a fountain. The hamam is located on the Menderes Street down to the Gürcü Kapısı.
Kirkçeşme Hamam
Although the exact date of construction of the Kırkçeşme Hamam, located to the north of the Erzurum Castle, is not known, experts suggest it was built by Rüstem Paşa and it might belong to the 14th century considering its architectural aspects.
Lala Paşa Hamam
The Lala Paşa Hamam, built in 1562 as a part of the Ottoman complex, was constructed to the east of the Tebriz Kapı with an aim to bring life to the outside of the walls.
Murat Paşa Hamam
It was built to the south of the Murat Paşa Mosque in 1572 upon the instructions of Kuyucu Murat Paşa. This place has a pool at the center and cut stones are used on the floor.
Saray Hamam
According to the inscription in the hamam, this place was built by Derviş Ağa in 1707. There is a sprinkling fountain in the dressing room. This hamam is located in the Emir Şeyh Quarter.
Şeyhler Hamam
The Şeyhler Hamam which was built as a foundation for the Şeyhler Mosque by Habib Efendi has survived since the 18th century. The hamam is entered through a hall, covered with wood on the top, where there is a tomb of a person called Külhani Baba by the public.
Boyahane Hamam
This is the second oldest hamam from the Ottoman period. It was built by Hacı Emin Paşa in 1566. It is a significant structure on architectural terms.
Tahta Hamam
The Tahta Hamam, located in the Erzurum Kadana Quarter, is the foundation of the İbrahim Paşa Mosque. The Tahta Hamam is entered through a wide and deep hall to its west.
Çifte Göbek Hamam
As there is no inscription on this hamam, which draws attention with its different layout among the hamams in Erzurum, it is not exactly known when or by whom it was built.
Bonus 1
Did You Know About This Geothermal Spring?
Most of us do not know about this spring in Erzurum, a city rich in geothermal resources.
This geothermal spring area which is a natural wonder located in the Çat district of Erzurum today is called the Çimenözü Thermal Spring, also known as the Hamzan-Hamzalar Thermal Spring.
This spring has a bicarbonate, chloride, sodium and carbon dioxide content. It is believed to be good for all kinds of skin, bone and gynecological diseases.
Bonus 2
A Natural Healing Mud Bath In Erzurum
Visitors come to the mud bath of the spring to cure their rheumatism, back pain and muscle tension and have a mud bath also for skin care.
It is required to dry out in the sun after taking a mud bath. After you wait for a while in this spring, you take a shower. Furthermore, mud and healing water is sold in large bins. The Köprüköy Deli Çermik is especially good to visit in hot weather, around July and August.