What to Buy in Artvin?
You may have wandered in the shadow of the lofty mountains, had pleasant conversations on their shivering nights; you may have suddenly been caught in the rain, drawn the oxygen into your lungs among the clouds...You've tasted local food, you've watched the Coruh River, you've toured the plain slope, you must have thrown all your electricity, I think Assuming that you are about to leave behind a pleasant trip to Artvin, we share a piece of our experience of what you should come back with from this wonderful city of nature, Sir!
What do you buy from Artvin for dinner?
Honey: The greatest features of Caucasian bees are their proboscis tongue, so they can reach the bottom of the flowers. Hopa, this is a big bazaar for buying honey, but Macahel's honey is famous too. Honey here is consumed as a drug.
Butter: The nolts that grow in this geography, where there are all shades of green, are also quite robust. At Artvin, where there are no additives, their butter is both delicious and organic. Remember to buy by vacuuming.
Karayemış: You can find the most jam of Karayemiş, which is auriculur to be antidote as cancer. A fruit that does not grow in many regions except Artvin has a slightly sour taste of Karayemiş.
Mulberry molasses, Cluster, Pestıl: Children with anemia will eat plenty of things such as Mulberry molasses plucked from the branch in Artvin and prepared in the freshest and natural form. Cluster and Pestil (dried layers of fruit pulp) appeal to those who are more fond of sweets.
Çemiç Olive: Don't think of it as the olive you know right away. Yes, the Olive is famous in the Aegean, although the ones in Artvin are famous, but we mean the olive, which they fence in front of the TV. Roasted in Cousins, if desired, saucing and eaten like seeds.
What Do You Get From Artvin For The Gift?
- Carpet and rug weaving from Şavşat…
- Ehram or cecim weaving fabric from Yusufeli…
- Pots andpans or stone doll from Borçka.