Archeological Sites
26.02.2024 07:35
Travel Points
13 place
459 Km
601.940 place
Route Information
Centuries ago, civilizations built places for themselves to shelter or worship their beliefs, or bazaars, to name a few. So how exactly did they live their lives that have been going on for thousands of years ago? So, what exactly have they done in these ritual areas for thousands of years? What were the daily routines of their lives? Did they fight? In case they did, how and who did they have battle with? What exactly did victory stand for? What was the point of living together? How was the use of pottery, for example? Perhaps they used to eat on large green leaves, not using their own tools?
We will go on a journey to "Muğla Archeological Sites", places of various archaeological findings that illuminate our past. We recommend wearing a scarf or a similar neck collar as we will be in dusty environments, and we would like to emphasize the importance of wearing dark-colored sneakers. However, you should also take water with you, better put it in your backpack. Because, as we said, we will get lost in the dusty pages of history.
We can feel that your curious eyes are shinning already. So, if you are ready for mind games like in Sherlock Holmes Movies or an Agartha Christie Novel, then no more words are needed. Let's move.
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