Church Calls
22.03.2024 17:42
Travel Points
11 place
4 Km
5.199 place
Route Information
Welcome to Hatay, which is the scene of the birth of the word, ‘Christian’ and contains the first cathedral in history. We are sure that when you step into the first temples of the Christian religion, you will understand the mysterious and original feeling of Hatay.
Although some of you may think that the churches are not a must-see point in Hatay, but this city is home to the First Christian temples in history. You will feel the deep-rooted history of Christianity up to your bones and learn about this religion in a full day on this route, which we have created by bringing together the four most important churches of Hatay, also housed the first Christians of the time and became a pilgrimage center for them. So, what’s on our route; The Museum Hotel (the first and only Museum Hotel in Turkey), St. Paul’s Orthodox Church, and the Boatman of Hell where people went to search for healing. The Church we are about to see has been once a pilgrimage center for Christians. We have set a course full of information, including a visit to the Pierre Church and Memorial Museum and many more points for you.
If you’re ready for a glorious discovery, let’s start moving!
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