Renaissance of Christians
29.04.2024 16:02
Travel Points
11 place
5 Km
6.248 place
Route Information
Shall we trace the year of 300 BC in İznik where the Council of Nicaea was gathered, which is one of the most crucial turning points in the history of Christianity?
We can hear you say “Like how?” Let us tell you immediately. The Council of Nicaea was convened in İznik district of Bursa in 325 AC, and it had a significant impact on Christianity. At this council, more than 2 thousand senior managers and about 300 men of religion at the bishop level came together, today's religious processes and praying forms of Christians took shape. The council began with the infamous opening speech; "Dear fellow men, it was my deepest prayer to be with you in such engagement and association. I extend my gratitude to our God, the King of Kinds for seeing you all together, reaching on a consensus and accepting my prayers. Now that the war of extorters and tyrants against God has been abolished by the power of our savior God, let's not allow our enemies filled with envy and evil to destruct our peace and fertility with their own perversion. For me, the division of the God's Church is worse than any ruthless war or a mundane torture", and the identity of Jesus Christ was made clear. The most crucial topic was "If Jesus was existent from eternity to infinity or created by God for the name of Christianity and then made eternal".
What many people know wrong about it today is as follows: At the Council of Nicaea, Christians sat around a table to have long discussions about the contents and religious praying rituals in Bibles collected from different places of the world and eventually decided on the presence of four Bibles. They even added forms of belief from Paganism, the previous religion of Rome, to Christianity. However, the records in history demonstrate it did not happen like that. There is no other source than a fictional book, the Da Vinci Code of Dan Brown, to prove such hearsay.
Ok, long story short. Why did we tell you that? We are talking about a council which met under the presidency of Constantine by ultimately terminating the violence experienced by Christians for centuries and discussing the details of these religious beliefs. For this reason, we wanted to discover together where and how this council that we address as the "Renaissance of Christians" was convened and what kind of historical traces it left. If we got your attention, come on, let's look at it together.
Let me remind you that you will take a lot of pictures on this route. For this reason, don't forget to charge your cameras or mobile phones. Our route goes through İznik for sure, but you will complete it on a single day. We will say goodbye with an incredible dinner.
Tie up your sneakers, put your sweetest smile on your face, if you are ready, come on, let’s begin.
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