“The Newcomer Cries, The Leaver Cries”: Şanlıurfa
They used to say "the newcomer cries, the leaver cries" for Şanlıurfa; it is so meaningful, isn't it? I will explain right away: the newcomers of Şanlurfa used to cry, saying "Where did I come..." And when it was time to leave they would weep once again asking "How can I leave this place?" This is the geography where the newcomers and leavers cry... It is a city which I praise to the skies!
There are so many reasons to visit Şanlıurfa, the cradle of civilizations from the Babel to Hittites, from Persian to the Roman! Here I will list my reasons and also ask you a little. Please check off the ones you like... So, are you getting excited?
- Feeding the fish in the Balıklıgöl that is narrated to be where Prophet Abraham was thrown?
- Paying a visit to the people who live in the adobe houses built before the common era?
- Setting to explore Halfeti, referred to as “the Lost City” or “Hidden Paradise”?
- Smelling the black rose which is only grown in Halfeti around the world? And here is a reminder: if you pull off this rose and plant it to a place other than Halfeti, then it changes colour.
- Swimming in the lakes inside the caves dating back to the Roman period?
- Attending to a sira night when the intellects tell, the apprentices come to the heel, and the poems are converted to songs?
- Trying eggplant kebab which the local people have for breakfast?
- Exploring çiğ köfte (steak tartar a la turca) with eggs?
- If you do not leave the myrrh cup on the table, then it is kept refilled and free of charge. If you place it on the table, then you have to pay the cost of all cups. Myrrh is the most bitter version of coffee.. So, what about trying this taste?
- Trying şıllık dessert without even thinking about your weight?
- Praying in this city where the prophets lived?
- Seeing the most precious mosaic of the world, the Amazon Mosaic, alive?
- Resting on the side of Fırat River?
- Sharing the mystery of Göbeklitepe, the underground temple?
- Trying a shish kebab to which even the ones who don’t like liver cannot resist?
- Watching the craftsmen shaping the copper?
- Visiting Harran, the first university around the world?
- Exploring Bazda caves?
And Here Is The Bonus Information:
- Is the place to where Adam and Eve came after they were kicked out from the Heaven.
- Is the first region where the hunter gatherers first became an agricultural society.
- Is the first city where the Christianity was accepted as the official religion.
- Is the only place granted “Şanlı” (Glorious) title for the heroic fight in the Independence War.
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