Legends of Istanbul: Mysterious Stories and Myths of the City
Legends of Istanbul: Mysterious Stories and Myths of the City

Legends of Istanbul: Mysterious Stories and Myths of the City

Table Of Contents

  • 1 The Legend of the Maiden's Tower
  • 2 The Mysterious Story of the Basilica Cistern
  • 3 Sacred Relics in Topkapi Palace
  • 4 The Love Story of Galata Tower
  • 5 Secret Passages of Hagia Sophia
  • 6 Exile Legends of the Princes' Islands
  • 7 Alexander's Seal and Istanbul
  • 8 The History and Legend of Çemberlitaş
  • 9 Fairy Tales of Istanbul

Istanbul is one of the most fascinating cities in the world with its historical and cultural riches. However, this ancient city is famous not only for its historical structures and natural beauties, but also for the legends and mysterious stories it contains. While walking on the streets of Istanbul, it is possible to come across a legend at every corner. In this article, we will explore the legends of Istanbul and the mysterious stories of the city.

The Legend of the Maiden's Tower


The Maiden's Tower is a historical structure located in the middle of the Bosphorus and is one of the symbols of Istanbul. Many legends are told about this tower, but the most well-known is the princess story from the Byzantine period. According to legend, a prophet said that the emperor's daughter would die after being bitten by a snake. The emperor built a tower in the middle of the sea to protect his daughter and hid her there. However, one day, a snake that came out of a basket of grapes sent to the tower bit the princess and the prophecy came true. This tragic story makes the Maiden's Tower even more mystical.

The Mysterious Story of the Basilica Cistern


The Basilica Cistern is the largest covered cistern in Istanbul, built by the Byzantine Emperor Justinianus I. As you walk around the cistern, you will encounter a fascinating atmosphere. One of the most striking elements of this cistern is the columns with Medusa heads. In Greek mythology, Medusa is depicted as a woman with snakes in her hair. It is believed that Medusa's gaze turns people into stone. The presence of these heads in the cistern brings to mind the mysterious and frightening story of Medusa. In addition, stories are told about people who disappeared inside the cistern and never returned.

Sacred Relics in Topkapi Palace

Topkapi Palace is a historical structure that served as the center of the Ottoman Empire and is currently used as a museum. The palace contains many valuable works, including the sacred relics of the Prophet Muhammad. There are many legends and stories about these sacred relics. One of them is the beard of the Prophet Muhammad. According to legend, this beard carries a power that makes one feel the blessed presence of the Prophet Muhammad and protects the palace. In addition, it is believed that the sacred objects in the palace, such as the sword of Prophet David and the staff of Prophet Moses, have mystical powers.

The Love Story of Galata Tower

Galata Tower is a historical tower located in the Beyoğlu district of Istanbul. Although there are many legends about the tower, the most romantic is the story of Hezarfen Ahmed Çelebi. Hezarfen Ahmed Çelebi, who lived in the 17th century, was a scientist who managed to fly from the Galata Tower to Üsküdar. According to legend, Ahmed Çelebi fell in love with a girl and had to prove his courage in order to marry her. His flight from the Galata Tower is told as a symbol of this love and courage. This romantic story makes the tower even more fascinating.

Secret Passages of Hagia Sophia

Hagia Sophia is a magnificent structure that bears the traces of the Byzantine and Ottoman Empires. It is said that there are many secret passages and tunnels inside and under Hagia Sophia. It is said that these tunnels were used by Byzantine emperors as escape routes in emergency situations. There are also stories that these passages lead to different parts of Hagia Sophia and even other parts of the city. The fact that these secret passages have not been discovered yet makes Hagia Sophia even more mysterious.

Exile Legends of the Princes' Islands

The Princes' Islands are an archipelago located southeast of Istanbul. These islands were used as a place of exile during the Byzantine and Ottoman periods. The most well-known legend is the story of Princess Zoe, a Byzantine princess. Zoe was exiled to Büyükada to avoid being assassinated during the struggle for the throne. She lived on the island for many years and founded a monastery here. These exile stories further deepen the history and mystical atmosphere of the islands.

Alexander's Seal and Istanbul

Alexander the Great has many legends about Istanbul. According to one story, Alexander realized the strategic importance of Istanbul and made plans to establish a city here. He made a seal to protect the city and placed this seal in the heart of Istanbul. This seal protected the city from all kinds of dangers and ensured the growth of Istanbul. This mystical seal of Alexander is considered a symbol of protection that has continued since the ancient history of Istanbul.

The History and Legend of Çemberlitaş

Çemberlitaş is one of the oldest monuments in Istanbul and was built by the Roman Emperor Constantine I. It is said that this stone column contains a piece of the Holy Cross brought from Jerusalem by Constantine's mother Helena. It is also believed that ancient treasures and sacred objects are hidden in secret rooms under Çemberlitaş. These legends make Çemberlitaş a historical and religious symbol.

The Mysterious Obelisk in Sultanahmet Square

Sultanahmet Square is one of the most important historical squares of Istanbul. The Obelisk located in the square is an ancient monument brought from Egypt. The obelisk is said to date back to the time of Pharaoh Thutmose III and to have mystical powers. In addition, it is believed that the hieroglyphs on the obelisk contain the secrets and spells of ancient Egypt. This mysterious monument reinforces the historical and mystical atmosphere of Istanbul.

Fairy Tales of Istanbul

Istanbul is enriched not only with historical legends but also with fairy tales and magical stories. According to legend, fairies live in the forests of Istanbul and these fairies come down to the city at night to help or protect people. In addition, many stories are told about mermaids living in the Bosphorus. These fairy tales make Istanbul an even more fascinating and mysterious city.

Istanbul is a fascinating city not only with its historical and cultural riches, but also with its legends and mysterious stories. From the Maiden's Tower to the Galata Tower, from Hagia Sophia to the Prince's Islands, every corner is full of legends. These legends make the mystical atmosphere and deep history of Istanbul even more meaningful. Visitors to Istanbul can be enchanted by the city by discovering these legends and stories.

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