Artvin By Numbers
Artvin, the city with the most natural splendor in the Black Sea, has a population of 170,875 according to the last census. Of this population, 85.975 people which is equal to 50.31 percent are constituted by men and of this population 84.900 people that is equal to 49.69 percent are constituted by women. The city has a surface area of 7,359 square kilometers, and the number of people per square kilometer is 23.
The border province neighbors Ardahan, Rize and Erzurum are located in the northeastern direction of the city, bordering Georgia.
8 districts of the city which are Hopa, Arhavi, Murgul, Borçka, Şavşat, Central, Ardanuç and Yusufeli, even in the Central District of the city has 7 neighborhood and 36 villages. In addition, the license plate code is 08 and the telephone code of Artvin is 466.
Although it is the 46th city in Turkey in terms of surface width, Artvin is the first and only place in Turkey in terms of vegetation diversity and has been declared as a Biosphere Reserve area and protected. The biosphere is the name given to areas of life on earth.
The Black Sea climate in Turkey dominates the city of Artvin, especially in the coastal areas of warm and rainy climate is observed. In the high parts of the city, the snow is seen instead of rain in the winter, as in the coastal areas. The most common plant species are as follows:
- Alder
- Hornbeam
- Lime
- Law
- Oak
- Chestnut
- Frequent and stunted trees
- Vines
- It is rhododendron and similar.