Following Ataturk’s Steps
27.02.2024 06:05
Travel Points
10 place
31 Km
41.230 place
Route Information
His landing on Samsun, his picture in Kocatepe, the congresses held in Erzurum and Sivas, and many more come to the mind when you speak of the Great Leader Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. These incidents are countless. During this route, we will get to know Atatürk’s Ankara and visit the locations in Ankara identified with him.
Ankara was always a special city for Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. Ankara, the first and only capital of the Republic, is full of countless memories of Atatürk. On this route, we will set out a journey full of Atatürk's traces and memories, who came to Ankara for the first time on 27 December 1919 at 2 pm from Dikmen hills to found the Republic of Turkey and start the Independence War.
The capital Ankara spreads to a vast area. However, we planned our journey to be completed in a full day. Therefore, this journey allows us to follow the steps of Atatürk, and we set off from the poet of our national anthem, late Mehmet Akif Ersoy’s house.
- Uzun süreli şehir keşfi
- Şehrin tüm dinamikleri deneyimlenecek
- Sesli anlatımlar ve deneyimlenmiş içerik
- Güncel içerikler